After 18 years at Johnson & Johnson and various roles in learning and development, I've discovered something about implementing microlearning successfully: there is no secret sauce. Just like Po's father revealed in Kung Fu Panda, the real magic lies in the fundamentals - particularly in how you communicate and where you place learning opportunities.
Watch Bas Debbink share his practical tips for how to enhance training strategy with microlearning using 7taps. Powered by MicrolearningCONF.
"The hardest and most important work is communication. Communicate, communicate, and then communicate some more - especially if you're embedded in a legacy learning culture."
Here's what's working as we integrate microlearning into our learning culture:
Meet learners where they already are
Think about all the moments when people are waiting during their workday. We placed QR codes leading to microlearning content near elevators, in cafeterias, and on plasma screens throughout our office buildings. When people get up from their desks, their phones appear almost magically in their hands - so we use that moment. While they wait for their lunch order or stand by the elevator, they can scan a code and learn something new in just two minutes.
Start small and build familiarity
Instead of diving straight into a new learning modality, we help people get used to seeing the solution in other areas first. We use our microlearning tools for event announcements, pre- and post-session assessments, and even event summaries. This approach helps build familiarity before we ask people to engage with more substantial learning content.
Make it part of existing programs
When working with subject matter experts who still prefer traditional "lunch and learn" sessions, we don't fight it. Instead, we say, "Sure, I'm glad to help - but let's include a microlearning piece or two alongside those slides." This approach serves double duty: it introduces microlearning naturally and helps SMEs refine their content. If they can summarize their message into a microlearning course, it shows they've really distilled it to its essence.
Measure thoughtfully
We're taking a measured approach to tracking success. For our plasma screen pilot, we look at completion rates but also plan to engage directly with learners to test knowledge retention. We're careful about survey fatigue, so we use pre- and post-assessments through our microlearning tools to demonstrate effectiveness without overwhelming people with questionnaires.
"Measuring training effectiveness has always been challenging. Doing a pre and post training assessment using a microlearning tool is a really great way to prove that the microlearning piece works, but also your training effectiveness in these longer sessions works."
Results and takeaways
Our pilot programs are showing promising early results. People are beginning to engage with our "2 Minutes to Knowledge" content on plasma screens, and we're seeing increasing adoption during company-wide initiatives like our recent J&J Learning Day. We're not aiming for overnight transformation - we're building a sustainable shift in how people think about learning opportunities throughout their day.
Want to try this approach in your organization? Start with 7taps to create bite-sized learning experiences that fit naturally into these "waiting moments" in your workplace.