Embedding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) principles is a fundamental element in my teaching philosophy. I use every opportunity to encourage inclusive design practices and promote an understanding of diversity and equality. One key aim I have for my MA Interdisciplinary Design students is that they enter the employment market as inclusive designers.
After using 7taps for my own instructional design practice I chose it as an easy solution to our EDI project. It worked perfectly for us - even the students who were not tech savvy understood how to utilize the tool quickly and effectively within minutes. Each student researched and produced a 7taps output related to an EDI issue as part of their Situated Design class. Then they designed and produced creative artefacts on which their QR codes would be embedded.

7taps is a great way to communicate ideas, concepts, and content. All the 2022 cohort of students found it easy to master and enjoyed the creative process.