
Beyond basics: feedback training for high-performance teams

October 8, 2024


7taps Content Team

For L&D pros looking to create feedback training for improved team performance, this post provides a solid overview (and a free microlearning module)
Beyond basics: feedback training for high-performance teams

Remember when we thought annual reviews were the gold standard of feedback? Fast forward to today, and continuous feedback is king. But here's the kicker: Gartner's research shows that only 9% of HR leaders believe their performance management process drives high levels of value. And 95% are open to changing their current approach [1]. So what's holding companies back, and how can you lead the charge in feedback training?

The evolving landscape of feedback training in organizations

The impact of effective feedback on organizational performance is well-documented. According to Gallup's data, "80% of employees who say they have received meaningful feedback in the past week are fully engaged" [2]. But, as workplace dynamics evolve, so too must our approach to feedback training.

Emerging trends in feedback methodologies

1. Continuous feedback systems

Traditional annual reviews are giving way to more frequent, ongoing feedback processes. A study by Workhuman revealed significant benefits of regular check-ins. Employees who have weekly check-ins with their managers, compared to those who never do, are five times less likely to be disengaged and nearly twice as likely to see growth opportunities within their organization [3].

Continuous feedback training strategy

  1. Create a series of bite-sized learning modules in 7taps titled "Weekly Check-In Essentials." Each module should focus on a specific aspect of effective check-ins, such as "Active Listening," "Setting Clear Goals," or "Providing Constructive Feedback."
  2. Design a digital 'Feedback Prompt Card' using 7taps. This card should include 3-5 key questions for managers to ask during weekly check-ins, such as "What's your biggest win this week?" or "Where do you need support?"
  3. Set up automated reminders in your company's communication tool (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams) that link to the relevant 7taps module or prompt card before scheduled check-ins.
  4. Use 7taps' analytics to track completion rates of these modules and correlate them with employee engagement scores to show the impact of feedback training.
  5. Create a follow-up micro-course on "Turning Check-Ins into Action Plans" to help managers and employees translate these frequent conversations into tangible progress.

By integrating these, you can provide real-time learning opportunities that encourage more frequent, meaningful conversations between managers and employees.

mobile feedback training microlearning modules

2. Data-driven feedback approaches

Organizations are increasingly leveraging data analytics to enhance the quality and impact of feedback. A survey by Deloitte found that 75% of companies believe using people analytics is important, but only 8% report having strong capabilities in this area [4].

Advanced technique: Use 7taps to create micro-learning modules that teach managers how to interpret key performance metrics. Include interactive quizzes that test their ability to translate data into actionable feedback. For instance, create a module on "Turning Sales Data into Coaching Moments," where managers practice crafting feedback based on real sales performance data. This approach not only trains managers in data interpretation but also ensures they can provide more objective, targeted feedback rooted in measurable performance indicators.

Measuring feedback effectiveness

To truly elevate your feedback training program, it's crucial to implement advanced metrics that show real business impact.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track:

  1. Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

Measure how likely employees are to recommend their organization as a place to work. Companies with higher eNPS scores tend to have better customer satisfaction and financial performance [5].

  1. Feedback quality and frequency

Track the regularity and perceived quality of feedback exchanges. More frequent, quality feedback correlates with higher employee engagement and performance [6].

  1. Performance improvement rates

Assess how employee performance metrics change over time in relation to feedback interventions.

Integrating feedback training with L&D initiatives

For maximum impact, feedback training should not exist in isolation. Consider these integration strategies:

  1. Leadership development synergy: Embed advanced feedback modules within your leadership pipeline programs. Research shows that leaders who are skilled in giving feedback are more effective in driving team performance [7].
  2. Agile performance management: Align feedback practices with agile methodologies. Companies that adopt these performance practices see a 30% increase in employee performance compared to those using traditional methods [8].
  3. Cultural intelligence enhancement: Incorporate cross-cultural communication elements into feedback training. This is key for global organizations, as cultural differences can significantly impact how feedback is given and received [9].

Overcoming training implementation challenges

Seasoned L&D professionals often face unique challenges when rolling out feedback initiatives across diverse, global teams. But you can address these by:

  1. Customizing for nuances: Develop region-specific modules that account for varying communication styles and feedback receptivity. Research indicates that feedback preferences can vary significantly across cultures [10].
  2. Leveraging technology for consistency: Implement a feedback platform that allows for consistent tracking while accommodating local customizations. Companies using such platforms report a 50% increase in employee satisfaction with performance management processes [11].
  3. Creating feedback champions: Set up a network of trained feedback facilitators across different regions and departments to drive adoption and address local concerns.

Conclusion: the future of feedback training

As we push the boundaries of feedback training, it's clear that the future lies in personalized, data-driven, and culturally-informed approaches. By implementing these advanced strategies, you can use feedback as a driver of performance and innovation.

🚀 BONUS: Check out our How to give effective feedback demo course to kickstart your own feedback training.


[1] Gartner. (2019). "Gartner Says Only 9% of Chief Human Resource Officers Agree That Their Organization Is Prepared for the Future of Work."

[2] McLain, D., & Nelson, B. (2022, January 1). How effective feedback fuels performance. Gallup.

[3] Workhuman. (2019). "The Future of Work is Human."

[4] Deloitte. (2019). "Global Human Capital Trends." Deloitte Insights.

[5] Reichheld, F. (2003). "The One Number You Need to Grow." Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 46-55.

[6] Bersin, J. (2018). "The Rise of the Individual in the Future of Work." Josh Bersin Academy.

[7] Zenger, J., & Folkman, J. (2014). "The Skills Leaders Need at Every Level." Harvard Business Review.

[8] McKinsey & Company. (2018). "The Five Trademarks of Agile Organizations."

[9] Meyer, E. (2014). "The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business." PublicAffairs.

[10] Hofstede Insights. (2021). "Country Comparison Tool."

[11] Mercer. (2019). "Global Performance Management Survey."

Want to test out 7taps for your own feedback training micro-content? Get started today with a free trial of 7taps or get in touch with us.

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